博士留学 | 约翰霍普金斯大学詹金斯生物物理学博士项目

Connor 火币pro官网下载 2022-10-09 310 0

Project description

The Jenkins Biophysics Program has a rigorous and stimulating program that develops and strengthens each student’s foundation in biophysics. During their first year, students take a thermodynamics and kinetics course, a course in the fundamentals of macromolecular structure/function, and a series of shorter modules in different biophysical techniques – programming in python, statistics and data analysis, solution biophysics, NMR, single molecule, X-ray crystallography/cryo-EM, and molecular dynamics. In their second year, students take two workshops – proposal writing and research presentations. Following the research presentation workshop, in the third year students give a public talk on their thesis project. Starting in the third year, students also present their work and future plans to a thesis review committee, designed to offer advice in research and professional development.

Selection criteria

Applicants to the Jenkins Program should have a undergraduate degree in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or related field. A Master’s degree is not required.
